Saturday, September 12, 2015

What Comes First, Addiction Or Depression


The answer to the question what comes first, addiction or depression, is a bit of a difficult one, sometimes subject to just who is answering it. For the most part, experts and doctors have come to the understanding that these two issues work together, and are often treated as a dual diagnosis. The truth of the matter is that the majority suffering with either is going to invariably be dealing with both at some very near point.

For the most part, when it comes to addiction and depression, it is usually the depression that sets in first. There are many different ways that depression can show it's negative face. Included in these are things like feeling totally isolated, hopeless, numb, completely sad, unable to sleep well, and digestive and food related disorders. Very often this leads the individual going through these terrible times to pick up that drink or drug that they might think will help them to offset these awful feelings.

Of course, this simply begins the downward spiral of addiction, which then leads to only more depression rather than a relief of any. The two continue to feed off each other, and they nourish each other as well. This is why it is so important that the person dealing with these terrible conditions understands that there is in fact hope available to them, and a chance to put a stop to the horror going on. If they are able to get themselves to accept that they do indeed have problems, they can begin to take the steps needed to gain recovery. Taking that first step and admitting they have a problem which is out of control is just so critical. Until they can get themselves to do this, the addiction and depression is only going to worsen. But if they can take this step, the future suddenly looks so much brighter.

The good news today is that the help and assistance you are going to require to help you accomplish your goals is there for you! Please follow us for more information and resources on drug abuse and treatment.

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