Methamphetamine has been around for a long while, and has been known by many different name.There has even been talk that President JFK was being treated by a doctor who added meth into the shots that was giving JFK for the injuries and illnesses that had plagued him throughout his life.
This was decades before the true extent of the damages that methamphetamine can inflict and JFK died young, before such damage had a chance to endanger him. Meth them became popular in the biker scene where it earned the nickname of "crank" because it was often smuggled in the crankcase of the motorcycles.
Now meth has overtaken America and the damage it causes is horrific. A project called "face of meth" has created a photo exhibition of people before met us and then their picture after a few years of meth use and the seemed to have aged decades instead of mere years.
Meth addicts will do anything to support their habit and meth use often brings people to the incredible depths of rock bottom where they lose everything - their careers, family marriages, children, their health and their teeth. "Meth mouth is indeed a very real and incredible horrifying condition.
Other dangers of meth is that it can be manufactured by users by using a very volatile recipe that uses very flammable ingredients and produces very toxic chemicals. Meth labs have been known to blow up and apartments and houses where meth was produced often have to be cleaned by hazardous materials teams. Often the building where meth was manufactured have to be condemned.
Meth is extremely dangerous and destructive. It destroys almost everything that it touches and leaves users with multiple health issues, permanent disfigurement and diminished mental capacity. If you or someone you love is dealing with meth, the time to act is immediately because lives, buildings and communities are all being endangered by this destructive drug.
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