OxyContin is one of the most powerful opiate based drugs that you can be prescribed by your physician today. It is also one of the more popular opiates that is purchased on the street because of how potent it actually is. The euphoria that you can receive from this particular drug keeps people coming back for more. The more that you use this drug, the more addicted you will become, and the harder it will be to find your way to a life free from opiates. The following information will tell you what can go wrong if you become addicted to oxycodone, OxyContin or any painkillers that are opiate-based. It will then lead into what you can do to get your addiction to pain meds under control.
Problems Caused By Opiates
When you take opiates, especially for a long period of time, and then you suddenly decide to stop, you are going to go through the most horrendous withdrawal symptoms that you could possibly experience. In the same way that people use heroin, and go through terrible withdrawals, this is very similar. Heroin is also derived from opiates, and therefore the symptoms will be very similar. Once you have gone through all of these withdrawals, you may find yourself slowly becoming opiate free.
Treatment Centers For Opiate Addictions
Once you have checked yourself in, you can look forward to having your addiction properly addressed. They will help you get through the shaking, sweating, vomiting, and nausea that comes with this type of addiction withdrawal. Opiates can provide you with a lot of help, and can also be recreationally pleasant, but it's not worth the addiction and the withdrawals that you will have to go through, so by checking into a treatment center and getting the help that you need, you can find your way away from your addiction to painkillers.