While you may think that marijuana isn't all that bad, if you're not able to get help with it you may run into some issues. Take some time to go through this information and you should be able to get help. It will keep you in the know so you're not having too many issues.
Marijuana isn't a hard drug really, but it can still lead to people using it too often. If you find yourself unable to function without having some kind of high going on that is produced by pot, you may have an issue with it. If you feel like you are having trouble stopping for just a few days, that's also a sign of addiction and can be what you need to get some assistance with. Either way you look at it, there are people that get addicted to any kind of substance, from sugar to caffeine it's never all good in excess.
Are you going to deal with this on your own or do you need help? You can go to counseling and get some assistance with quitting pot if you have to, there should be no shame in that for you. Make sure that you explain how you're having trouble, and you may be able to get into treatment. There are times when you may feel like it's silly to get help. But it's really just a matter of getting into what can be done to get help with how much you can get for help so you can get clean and stay that way.
Now you can work with this marijuana advice and keep yourself clean. There are far too many people that allow drugs and alcohol to run their lives. When you're ready to get clean just work on putting this advice to good use.